Monday, May 23, 2011

One of Those Days

I had one of those days. It was a Murphy kind of day. Everything that could go wrong did. Ok, maybe not EVERYTHING. But a lot. And it was a Monday. I know, that's the same thing everyone says every Monday. But I truly had a case of the Mondays today. Although I did consider printing out the above sign (which I have really seen hung up and used somewhere) I decided to destress by bike riding.

It was breezy 82 degrees outside and the sun was not very strong. It was the perfect outdoor activity weather. I did get chased by a small gray kamikaze poodle, who ran both: in the street, in front of my bike, and later behind me. I had to stop to let his owner catch him. Otherwise he would've gotten run over by a car. See, even on a bike, I break for animals. Of course, I feared for my own safety as well. Bikes don't ride well with a 15 pound poodle caught in the spokes. I only ended up riding 3.5 miles today. I figured I haven't riden in awhile and I didn't want to overdo it right away. Felt pretty good afterwards and barely had any appetite at dinner.

I've got a late night at work tomorrow night, so I may not post. Most likely there won't be a workout either. How sad. See how sad I am :( Haha, yeah right.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Honesty is the Best Policy

I know I said I was going to do better this week, but really I didn't. Aside from weight lifting one night and going hiking on Saturday, I failed the food portion. I had heavy Mexican lunches twice this week. The kind that make you go into a food coma afterwards. I weighed myself today and there was a .4 of a pound weight loss. Which really sucks considering I could've lost so much more if I tried.

So to celebrate I had ice cream. And popcorn. And McDonalds. Oh yeah, it was healtherific! Haha. I suppose the good news is, I'm not putting on weight. I bought myself two pairs of pants and two tops online today. I'm not sure I should be rewarding myself so much with junk food and clothes. But the deal was too good to pass up! It was 50% off of $100! Who can say no?! Apparently not me. To anything.

Well tomorrow is a new day. Maybe I can lose weight this week. I'm planning on taking some noodle salad in for lunch tomorrow that my husband made himself this weekend. It's pretty low-cal and tastes great. A little carbolicious, but that's ok. It can't be as bad as nachos, burritos, rice and beans!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weightlifting Day One

Today after one granola bar for breakfast, I ended up kinda pigging out at a Mexican restaurant for lunch. Chicken burrito and chicken enchilada with beans and rice. And lots of chips. Then for dinner I had some cereal followed by crackers and hummus. I'm slipping!

So to compensate I started weight training tonight. With my husband...That dude kicked my butt. In a good way though. I could barely walk afterwards! He definitely helped me break down my muscles. My goal is to weight train three times a week as hard as I did tonight. We trained everything, legs, arms, chest, stomach. I actually was sweating! I don't think I could've pushed myself that hard on my own. Boot camp and Cross Fit pushed me to those limits, but I just need someone there to push. When it comes to cardio I can push myself to extremes. But with weightlifting I just give up way too easily.

"This is too heavy" (drops weight and walks away.)

I learned several things about my strength tonight. A. I have no upper body strength. None. It's a miracle I can lift my toothbrush. My lower body is by far much stronger. At least now I know where I need improvement. My chest and arms are useless. It was entertaining and sad at the same time. Sure biking seven miles is great, except when you're so weak you can barely lift a pencil! Yeah, I'm going to get some of those Michelle Obama arms this summer;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Week, New Goals

I decided to start watching more of what I eat again. I slacked a lot lately and it showed. I had a granola bar for breakfast, a salad for lunch and some fried rice hubby made for dinner. I didn't exercise. BUT, in my defense, it was 50 degrees outside and drizzling. I can do cold. But I can't do cold AND rain. I could've exercised indoors, but laziness overcame me:) I had walnuts and pecans for a mid-morning snack and a 100 calorie pack after lunch. Oh and before dinner I had some wheat saltines with some hummus. Not a lot though.

I read an article over the weekend about why men lose weight faster than women and I wish I had saved the link. It basically said that men tend to focus more on getting stronger, not thinner. And that they lift weights to do this. Muscles burn fat faster than starving yourself or cardio does. So go lift some weights! Or, as I find is easiest, lift your own body weight. You'd be surprised how hard it is!

I think I found some motivation:)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First Weigh In With No Results

My birthday was this week and I let myself splurge on my birthday. I probably went overboard a little bit. And as of Wednesday, my cold has been gone. But I haven't exercised and I've had a lot of lame excuses. Needless to say, there's been no change in my weight.

I did get some cute clothes for my birthday, which my husband helped me pick out. Some cute work clothes. And the day before I pulled out my graveyard of shorts. I got 7 pairs of shorts BACK! There are about 3 more which are "goal shorts." But I still can't believe that these clothes fit me. Despite my lack of weight change this week, I'm not too terribly disappointed. I didn't put a lot of work into losing weight, so I didn't expect a miracle.

Here is the new shirt and vest I got. The vest is a big deal, I have not been able to find one that fit me right and I finally got one! I'm sure it'll look great with anything, my new gray pants, or even jeans! Oh also, I got some black capris for work, but they're not pictured, since there's nothing really special about them.

Anyways, this week I'll put more effort into my weight loss. I won't slack so much. Just a little;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last Night's Post Today

Sorry I didn't post. Had a lot going on. My dog ripped his toenail off and we had to do some fish shopping. Long story.

There's an article I read awhile back I've been meaning to post. It's about two new eating disorders that have been discovered. Everyone has heard of anorexia and bulimia. But have you heard of orthorexia and Adult Selective Eating? I actually know people with one of these. I never considered it a disorder. Well you can read more about it down here.

So yesterday I had a glass of Kefir, raspberry flavor. If you haven't had Kefir, try it. It's super yummy and makes you full. You can get it at Earth Fare and I think Kroger. For a mid morning snack I had a Nature Valley granola bar. At lunch I had a turkey and swiss panini from the cafeteria at work. Probably not the healthiest option, but I was peer pressured into it. My sister insisted "salads are boring!" Which isn't entirely true. But to make up for it, I skipped dinner and had another glass of Kefir. I truly wasn't hungry the rest of the night. Which unfortunately shows me how many calories I had at lunch:(

Anyways, I'm hoping I'll do better today! Wish me luck!


I've decided to continue on today's blog for today's meals. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and some Triscuits "With a Hint of Salt" as a snack later that morning. I had a very late lunch and had 3 Chicago Hard Rolls from Publix. One with Brie and two with strawberry jam. Then I had a 100 calorie pack of mini fudge stripes. I bought a new type of water today. It comes in a can and it's called "La Croix." It was pretty good, I got the lime flavor. At least I won't be dragging around my huge bottles of Perrier to work anymore.

Speaking of work, I got to go home early today and I had a great idea. Dig through my graveyard of shorts that no longer fit. They haven't fit me in years. Literally. Most of these shorts I bought when I first moved back to the U.S. in 2007. Around that time I weighed around 145-148. I thought that was too much back then, haha. Anyways, they are almost all size 9 juniors with the exception of one or two that claim they are size 11, but really they size 9. And guess what. I fit in all but two of them!!!!

I was dancing around the house singing "size 9, size 9...size 9, size 9, size 9!!!"
Granted some of them are a bit shorter than what I'm used to, but I don't have the excessive belly flab hanging over them. And get this! They fit on my butt! Haha, so this whole time I've been unsure where the 8 pounds I've lost have been from. I can now tell you. Butt, thighs and belly. Mostly belly and butt. Soooo happy. Today is a good day. Tomorrow is my 29th birthday and I'm looking forward to continuing this weight loss. I've still got two pairs of shorts that don't fit. They are "goal shorts." I hope that within a month I can also fit into these:)

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Soooo....I am still alive. I survived the tornadoes. But enough about that. I've slacked on my blog. In my defense, I was without power for 6 days and food was basically anything that was given to me or could be grilled. So I ate trash for about 6 days. In that process I also got sick. Without the opportunity to take a hot shower, I wasn't planning on exercising. And once I got sick, well the ability to breathe became difficult. I know, all excuses. But the truth is, I haven't slipped too far from my diet. Well, I did slip, but it didn't hurt me too horribly. Are you ready for the results?

Yah! So I wasn't exactly on track. But I still managed to lose a little bit. I know, two weeks and only one pound. I'm trying to stay motivated. I had some pictures taken of me today and I was not happy about the results. Which is why I've decided not to post any.

I've started eating Kashi cereal. I figure it's a healthier option when it comes to cereal. I baked a German cheesecake and cherry cake and had a slice of each. This evening my husband grilled chicken and made noodle salad. Later on, I had another slice of cheesecake. I wasn't really hungry, it just sounded good. Not a good reason, but oh well. As soon as I start breathing normal again and my cold is gone, I'll start bike riding again.