For the past two weeks, I've been stuck between 160 and 161. I must admit I haven't really made any effort to improve my diet or even exercise much for that matter. But the weight is no longer falling off on it's own :( Looks like I actually have to do something again. The only exercise I get right now is going for walks. So, to go back to my old friend accountability, I decided to start up this blog again and post my weight on a weekly basis.
The irony is, last year at this time, I weighed exactly the same. Actually I was one pound more. So, pregnancy wasn't too harsh on my body, even though I did gain about 40 pounds. I also got lucky in the stretch mark department. Come on,you know I gotta brag about that. I only got two small stretch marks on each side of my hips. So if someday I ever do get a flat belly, I can flaunt it like a 20 year old who's never had kids ;)
I love my baby to death and he's great for training my arms. He loves being lifted in the air like he's flying. Right now, he's around 10 pounds or so. So, that's pretty good training for me. But I do need to get back to being healthy, building endurance, strength and toning my muscles. It's even harder this time around because I don't have as much time to dedicate to me. Boy was I spoiled last year! I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Now I have to schedule everything!
Anyways, I need to start getting the house cleaned up and take advantage of baby being calm time. I look forward to any words of encouragement you might have!
You've already done so well! I know you can keep on going and get to where you want to be!