There was no change in my weight during this week's weigh in. Although I can't really say I'm surprised. I ate a lot of trash this week and didn't keep as close of an eye as usual. And on top of that, I didn't exercise at all.

On the bright side, since I have lost 5 pounds, I decided to reward myself with a new pair of pants for work. Honestly, the others are just barely hanging off of my hips now, so it was time for a new pair. I definitely see this as a new motivation source everytime I lose 5 or more pounds. I found a great pair of white pants at New York and Company yesterday in a size 8, but of course they only had petite and tall. Unfortunately, I am average in height. So last night I went to Charlotte Russe and found a great pair of gray pants in a size 10. I believe size 10 is my official size now, since New York and Company carries vanity sizes. Nonetheless I'm pleased, because I've dropped from a size 12 to a size 10 with just 5 pounds. I found a pic online of my new pants. Oh and the best part was, they were on sale! So instead of $34.50, I paid $19.99. Most of my new clothes are going to be relatively cheap since it could get expensive buying new clothes every time I lose weight.
For this morning's breakfast I opted for a bowl of oatmeal with milk and sugar. Generally I don't get up early enough to actually prepare breakfast, so I take advantage of my lazy Sunday mornings. Half a cup of oatmeal, one cup of milk and three tablespoons of sugar came to 305 calories. Surprisingly, it actually made me full too. That's the thing I love about oatmeal. Very little will make you full very quickly and keep you full. My main focus is getting enough protein and fiber. The 2% milk supplied me with 9 grams of protein and the oatmeal added another 5 which will fill me up for awhile. And the oatmeal also contained 4 grams of fiber. Granted, together they do have a lot of carbs. But you win some, you lose some, right? Besides, I can't imagine eating oatmeal with water and salt like the back suggests. That would be sick.
Since the weekends are generally reserved for heavy duty cleaning, I suppose I'll start doing laundry in a few minutes. I count house cleaning as light exercise since it does get me up and moving. I'm also debating on bike riding or playing tennis today. The weather is somewhat chilly right now, but it is supposed to warm up in a few hours, so I really have no excuse.
For lunch I had some sunflower seed bread with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese. Then I had a small quesadilla with a lo carb wheat wrap, Kroger Mexican cheese wrap and red peppers. No fruits or veggies really, but I'll make up for it later. The good news is, I went for a bike ride! Yah! I rode for 7.16 miles in about 45 minutes and burned roughly 600 calories. That's basically everything I've eaten today! I realize weekends are going to be the time I have to take advantage of exercise. I'm pretty sure I accomplished that today. Now I have to go guzzle some water!
*Final Update*
So for dinner I went out to eat at a restaurant and ate half of a grilled chicken salad with balsamic vinagrette. As a dessert I had a 100 Calorie pack of mini fudge stripes from Keebler. I love those things! They hit the spot right every time. It's just enough to fulfill my chocolate craving. Tomorrow I'll try to write my entire blog in one sitting.
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