Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1-0 Win Against Emotional Eating

I am wearing a button up shirt today that I have not been able to fit in for 3 years. Can you believe it? Neither can I. I started off my day with some "knaeckebrot" and cottage cheese. Around lunchtime I got frustrated and wanted to eat junk food because I KNEW it would make me feel better. But I overcame myself and had a salad from the cafeteria with chicken breast, Greek Olives and pecans. I felt so much better later. Even though McDonalds and all those places were calling my name, I resisted. Had an apple for an afternoon snack. Score 1 for Cindy.

Today I saw someone I hadn't seen in about two weeks and she raved about how much weight I'd lost so quickly. She claimed she saw it in my face. It's weird to hear people complimenting me, because it's still not reality yet. I feel like I need to lose more before it'll really show. Tomorrow is almost like another detox day, so it may be a struggle, but I'm sure I'll do fine.

Because Friday, is TREAT DAY!!!!

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