Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Belly Blast Day 3

This detox was killing me. I've had absolutely no energy, I've been tired, cranky and sad. Did I mention I've been exhausted? I had my green smoothie for breakfast with only 1 cup of spinach and it tasted much better. Unfortunately, that's the most filling meal I get for the day. At lunch I had about a cup of carrots and a cup of cherries. The rest of the day was water. I had so much water today, every time I realized how hungry I was. It still didn't help:( I even chewed gum twice. The first time, it helped. The second time it didn't. By the time I got home tonight I felt sick. I decided to push my workout to tomorrow, since I was so weak.

Around 7 P.M. tonight I cracked. My husband had baked some fresh bauernbrot this afternoon. If you don't know what bauernbrot is, I wikied the English description:

"Bauernbrot is a bread made in Germany. The bread is made by mixing rye and wheat flour, water, salt, yeast and a leavening agent into a dough, which is formed into a round shape. After 70 to 90 minutes, the surface is cut with a knife do create a decorative lozenge pattern and the bread is baked first at a high, then at a moderate temperature until the crust is crunchy."

Anyways, at the point where I thought I was going to throw up bile or die, I sliced a thin piece off and layered it with a slice of gouda cheese. I was in heaven. I'm not even disappointed in myself. Mostly because I felt so nauseated before I ate the bread. There is no way I could've swallowed some more plain boring salad. Since I splurged and had the bread, I'm cutting myself off for the night. But man it was good. A part of me wants another slice with some cottage cheese. Yum!

My stomach was making an explosion of sounds. I think it's very very happy. I can tell you one thing. I am a much happier person now than I've been in the past 72 hours.

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